Free Home Organization Tips and Tools

Free Home Organization 

Feeling Very Martha
Home organization can seem frustratingly unattainable - your to do list gets longer and longer while your days get shorter and shorter. You barely have time in your schedule to sit down and eat lunch, let alone organize the garage!

But in this day in age, when life's demands are ever-increasing, you can't afford not to be organized.

If you're looking for tips and tools to create an organized home, then you've stopped by the right website! You'll find hundreds of solutions:

motivation to start an organizing project,

ideas on how to de-clutter,

advice on home organizing products,

printable to do lists,

time management techniques,

virtual organizing resources,

and much more!

And as an incentive to start you on your way, grab a copy of the *FREE Tip Kit* offered exclusively through Home Organization Online.

FREE Tip Kit

That's right - a FREE Tip Kit jam packed with over 50 home organizing tips and suggestions!

Here's what you'll find inside:

11 Misconceptions About Organizing - Avoid the major pitfalls of traditional organizing advice.

10 Ways To Organize Smarter - Helpful hints to make your organizing efforts easier.

Top 5 Questions About Closet Organization - Answers to the most popular questions about de-cluttering closets. (Limited time only!)

The HÖM newsletter - HÖM stands for Home Organization Monthly, and it's a once-a-month publication that showcases organizing articles, ideas, products, and more! (Starting January 2009.)

No Catch

I don't know about you, but I love a good freebie!

Buy one, get one free.

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Zero interest loan.

Free super saver shipping.

Free prize inside.

Free of charge.

Free food.

On the house.

Free tickets.

No cover charge.

There are lots of ways to say that you're getting something for nothing, but no matter how you say it, it feels...nice.

So as an incentive to start you on your way to a better, more organized home, I'd like to give you a copy of the FREE Tip Kit offered exclusively through Home Organization Online.

My gift to you - free organizing tips! No hassles. No gimmicks. No catch. Just nice.

Request Your Copy Today!

IMPORTANT: I hate SPAM - or email clutter - as much as you do! Your personal information will never be shared with third parties.

Also, if you are unsatisfied for any reason, you can keep the FREE Tip Kit and easily unsubscribe from the HÖM newsletter at any time.

How To Get Motivated

How soon "not now" becomes "never." - Martin Luther

Wondering how to get motivated? That's a big question that leads to many different solutions...

All options aside, the bottom line is - if you don't get motivated, it doesn't get done.

And, yes, how quickly "I'll do that later" turns into "I've been saying that I'll do that for 2 years now." We've all been there before!

It's such a common problem, especially when trying to get organized, that I've dedicated an entire section of Home Organization Online to this very topic. And it's why I'll keep adding articles!

I believe that you best determine how to get motivated. You are the best judge of what works for you, what jump starts your ambitions, and what makes you want to improve who you are.

Now, I'm not a motivational guru by any stretch of the imagination. But I have worked with clients who need that extra push...and the following concepts have come from those experiences.

So I hope that if you need a little motivation, then you will find that here.

What Motivates You?

Free stuff.

As an incentive to get motivated to get organized, grab a copy of the *Free Tip Kit* offered exclusively through Home Organization Online.

Free time.

If I only had more time! Now you can. You'll be surprised just how much time you can save if you simplify life.

Helping others.

Share your story, share your ideas...and maybe you'll show someone else how to get motivated.


Learn about the cost of disorganization - you could be losing $1000s each year!

Positive energy.

Get motivated, get organized, and get happy. It's science!

Shaping your destiny.

Experience the freedom that comes with getting organized.

Tough love.

Stop putting yourself in situations where you wish that you had made organization a priority. Shoulda, coulda, woulda
